The lonely aftertaste of Secret Cinema

Johnny Lawes  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Apr 2020
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The lonely aftertaste of Secret Cinema

Secret Cinema presentation of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back | photo: Flickr

First Madagascar, then Venice. We stopped by MI5, picked up some drinks and headed to the casino. But suddenly a fight broke out, gunmen appeared, and we all dropped to the floor. Not my average Friday evening.

I recently became one of 120,000 to experience Secret Cinema’s Casino Royale. It was a thrilling evening: a secret location, black tie and special missions, culminating in an immersive showing of the film, complete with live actors and pyrotechnics. It’s a format that has soared in recent years, perhaps because it consciously offers something not digital. Phones are sealed away and people have to interact. Instead of immediate and constant information, it offers secrets. And instead of a ‘purely digital experience’ it offers ‘touch’.

The experience of connection

Dutch missionary J.H. Bavinck wrote of Five Magnetic Points – five recurring areas in which every religion suppresses truths about God and replaces them with something else. What if we apply them to Secret Cinema?

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