Discipline and the limits of authority

Andrew Carter  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Apr 2020
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Discipline and the limits of authority

photo: iStock

Andrew Carter discusses smacking, abuse, power and liberty in modern society

In October of last year, it became a criminal offence in Scotland for a parent to smack their naughty child. The Welsh Assembly has recently voted for a similar ban and legislation will come into effect in Wales in 2022. In England, the law still allows a parent to smack their child providing they don’t use an implement or leave a mark.

Smacking is a controversial issue, including amongst evangelical Christians. Some see physical chastisement as clearly mandated by Scripture (see for example, Prov. 13:24; 23:13-14; 22:15; Heb. 12:7-11). Others maintain that it’s the principle of discipline that matters, not the method. Plenty of Christian parents maintain that proper discipline can be achieved using non-physical means; loss of privileges, time-outs, extra chores, etc.

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