Jesus spoke frequently about the problems of hypocrisy – not least in the Sermon on the Mount. ‘Watch out’, he said, ‘for false prophets, they come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves’ (Matt. 7:15).
It’s a strident and sobering warning. But the question that’s been bothering me recently is this: what, exactly, are we to understand about the self-awareness of such wolves? Do they know that they are really wolves disguised in sheep’s clothing? Or can they sometimes be self-deceived, such that they believe they actually are sheep?
All of us know how easily we can misstep in ministry. A thoughtless remark, a clumsy criticism, a forgotten commitment – and all too easily we end up hurting the very people we are seeking to serve. When it happens, we should acknowledge our mistakes, seek forgiveness and aim to learn from the error so that we can do better next time.