Who’s in the pew? Does it matter?

Ollie Land  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Oct 2019
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Who’s in the pew? Does it matter?

Ollie Land reminds us of the importance of remembering our audience

Having wrestled all week with 2 Samuel 6, I came ready to preach, only to see two teenagers in church for the first time. ‘Why today?!’ was the cry in my head! ‘I’ve found this passage difficult enough, what are they going to make of people dying for touch-ing the Ark, a king dancing half-naked through the streets, and then a marital barney which leads to life-long infertility! Lord – are you sure this was the right time to bring them in here?’

Rochester Baptist Church is a town centre church with an active church membership which means that we often have non-Christians attending our Sunday morning services. Fantastic! But does that mean our Bible teaching should just be short and simple, and that we should keep away from passages like 2 Samuel 6?

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