Watch and pray

James Mildred  |  Features  |  politics & policy
Date posted:  1 Feb 2019
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Watch and pray

Prime Minister May with Chancellor Hammond in the Commons | photo: Parliament TV

If you have any love for politics, recent months have served up treat after treat.

First, there’s the ongoing saga of the never-ending vote. The Prime Minister has a deal on the table, but is struggling to win the support she needs. By the time this is published, there may well have been a vote on the deal which may well have been lost, leading, maybe, to another vote. Honestly, who knows what is going on at Westminster? Second, we are increasingly in unchartered constitutional territory. All the talk of a second referendum, the People’s Vote and the Speaker’s re-interpreting of long-standing House of Commons’ precedents all point to the same conclusion: it’s all a bit messy.

Unsettling time

The Brexit drama shows no signs of slowing down and even if you try and avoid it, there’s no doubt it is an unsettling time for our nation. By the time you read this, the PM may still be in place or equally, we might be days away from a General Election. Hard to believe though it might be, Brexit is not the only political issue of weight. As 2019 begins, what are some of the key challenges on the horizon? Especially, as a Christian, how should I face this New Year? Some I suspect feel a sense of foreboding and this is understandable. As a society we have largely abandoned our Judeo-Christian heritage and in its place, secularism and individualism have become more and more dominant.

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