Engaging with the Bible

Bryony Lines  |  Features  |  The Bible in action
Date posted:  1 Dec 2018
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Engaging with the Bible

Reading the Bible | photo: Wycliffe Bible Translators

If your Bible spends a lot of time on the shelf, you’re not alone.

And if you do read it regularly, the likelihood is that you know many Christians who struggle to do so. So what can we do to change this?

In 2011, Josh Bartlett was volunteering at a Scripture Union holiday camp and a member of staff shared some research about Bible use. Josh was shocked by the fact that it was so low even amongst Christians. He began to explore where God might be guiding him and attended a Wycliffe Bible Translators storying weekend. He now works with Wycliffe in Australia to help English speakers to engage more deeply with God through the Bible.

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