WWI witness 1916

SASRA  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Oct 2018
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WWI witness 1916

Troops of the 8th Battalion, Liverpool Regiment, Lille | photo: SASRA

Bill Ransley was a Scripture Reader who visited sick and wounded soldiers in military hospitals near Boulogne, France.

In his 1916 journal1, he commented on how people responded to the gospel: ‘I made a special effort amongst the Hospital Orderlies by visiting them in their huts and inviting them to a Voluntary Service; for I had felt that perhaps the Personnel had been neglected. I explained that I would hold an informal Service at any hour of their own choice…


‘They decided 8.15pm as their most suitable time. Accordingly, I was there with one of their number, who had volunteered to play the organ. Only eight attended… On the seven following Sundays, I persevered with them, by visiting them and inviting them to the Service; but only the organist turned up. ‘It is the remarkable testimony of many who have been responsible for conducting Voluntary Services in our various Base hospitals that Doctors and Orderlies are very difficult to get to attend them. I am disposed to think that the explanation as regards the Orderlies at our Base hospitals is, they have comfortable beds, good feeding, regular Pay days, and town attractions. These conditions tend to foster self-satisfaction and the spirit of indifference towards spiritual things.

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