‘Why doesn’t he just go?’

JEB  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Jul 2018
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‘Why doesn’t he just go?’

photo: iStock

Seven reasons why pastors can be reluctant to retire

Coming to the end of your career is tricky for anyone.

There’s a tendency to put off retirement as long as possible. This is especially true if we have enjoyed our jobs. Losing your life’s work is going to be like losing a loved one. It will be a bereavement. So we shy away from it. And the government, strapped for cash and trying to cope with the enormous baby-boomer cohort now moving into old age, is actually encouraging us to stay in work longer. As they enter their mid-60s, pastors can be reluctant to step down. This may lead to frustrations in a church eager to try something and someone new. So, one Sunday, a member’s voice might be heard quietly whispering to another church member: ‘Why doesn’t he just go?’ Friction and trouble are around the corner and it can all become a bit of a mess. I’m going to try to help you step into the pastor’s shoes for a moment. Here are seven reasons why a church leader might be reluctant to retire. is a sinful

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