Calvin’s preaching - 1

Michael Haykin  |  Features  |  history
Date posted:  1 May 2018
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Calvin’s preaching - 1

The Reformed Church in Lyons, The Temple de Lyons, which was called ‘Paradis’.

What is the heart of the Reformation?

If we wish to see this fleshed out, we can do no better than to look at John Calvin’s ministry as a preacher. After Calvin came to Geneva in 1536, he looked upon his work in the Swiss city as primarily ‘proclaiming the Word of God’ and ‘instructing believers in wholesome doctrine’. He was, of course, involved in the other aspects of pastoral work, but at the centre of his ministry was the preaching of gospel. By this means, Calvin said time and again, God reveals himself in judgment and mercy, turning hearts to obedience, confirming the faith of believers, building up and purifying the church.

The expository method

Calvin’s method of preaching was expository. Not for him the single text or isolated passage. Rather, he would preach steadily through book after book of the Bible.

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