Challenging well

Helen Thorne-Allenson  |  Features  |  pastoral care
Date posted:  1 Apr 2018
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Challenging well

photo: iStock

There comes a time in many a pastoral relationship when words of challenge need to be spoken.

Whether that’s confronting someone with their obvious sin (an affair); rebuking someone for a wayward attitude (pride) or drawing attention to the fact they’re not believing a truth about God (singleness can’t really be a gift, can it?), being able to challenge well is important if people are to grow and persevere in the Christian life.

What right do we have?

Such conversations are far from easy. We can all be reluctant to engage. Sometimes we believe our culture’s mantra that we have no right to tell others they are wrong. Sometimes we are simply scared of the reaction we may receive or wonder: who are we to show others their sin?

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