Preaching to the choir?

Richard Simpkin  |  Features  |  Music
Date posted:  1 Mar 2018
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Preaching to the choir?

photo: iStock

There have been some engaging sessions on the Cornhill Training Course music stream these last few weeks.

We’ve been discussing how to work with a church choir that is full of unbelievers. We’ve seen the great opportunity for the gospel, as well as the inevitable problems of working with those who, by their unbelief, have hardened their hearts to the truths they sing.

Singing the gospel

There is so much depth to the truth that many choirs sing. A cathedral choir, for instance, sings Mary and Simeon’s songs from Luke’s Gospel every day. In these songs, Jesus is proclaimed as the Saviour of those who fear him. The choir also sings half the Psalms every month, along with hymns and anthems with words taken straight out of Scripture. On top of all that, a cathedral choir will regularly put on performances of Handel’s Messiah and other beautiful choral works that present the truths of the gospel comprehensively.

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