Youth work – now and then

Roger Carswell  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Jan 2018
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Youth work – now and then

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Roger Carswell calls for urgent action

I wonder how different from ours will be the Lord’s record of church history in the 20th century?

It seems to me that the greatest work of reaching the nation in the last century was done by inter-denominational youth work. I know that there were some famous preachers who preached in their churches or who reaped through their ‘crusades’, but as far as consistently extending the frontiers to get alongside and win the lost, the most effective and enduring work was done by a variety of youth ministries. Youth for Christ, Christian Endeavour, Crusaders, Girl Crusader Union, National Young Life Campaign, Covenanters, Inter-School Christian Fellowship, Inter-Varsity Fellowship and a variety of summer camp works and beach missions covered the nation and together reached all types of teens with the gospel. Reading their histories thrills the heart. They had fun, loved the fellowship of other young Christians, enjoyed hospitality at the homes of the leaders, were creative, but sought to faithfully win and teach teenagers.

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