Making ‘gospel sandwiches’

Alex Hays  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Dec 2017
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Making ‘gospel sandwiches’

Alex Hays shares news of some encouraging gospel work in Asia

It was Charles Spurgeon who said: ‘If you give a man the gospel, wrap it in a sandwich. And if you give a man a sandwich, wrap it in the gospel.’

In one sense, his point is rather obvious – our message must be backed up by our actions, and our lifestyle must reflect that of our loving Saviour. On another level, perhaps Spurgeon’s suggestion grates against much of what many evangelicals have come to stand for – the primacy of evangelism to the detriment of social action. Certainly, much ink has been spilled over how much time, money and effort should be afforded to ‘social justice’, ‘compassion’ ministries and ‘creation care’ whilst countless souls drift towards an eternity apart from God. Yet I hope you will agree that the distinction between proclamation and demonstration is, at least to some extent, a false dichotomy.

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