No other loyalty

Ian Shaw  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Apr 2017
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No other loyalty

(LtoR) Leslie Land with Peter Finnie and John Manton | photo: Ian Shaw

Ian Shaw traces the life of Leslie Land (1903–1986), a remarkable but forgotten man

‘William Leslie Land, born 20 January 1903 at Wirksworth; son of Samuel Land, retired Draper and Outfitter. Educated at the Grammar School, Wirksworth. Admitted 1 March 1921.’

So reads the Christ’s College, Cambridge, Admissions Book, where he studied for the Natural Sciences Tripos. His father came from a line of lead miners but had established what seems to have been a successful business. Leslie’s mother, Minnie, was a school teacher. His parents were committed members of the local Baptist church, where his father occasionally preached.

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