Exciting times

Josh Moody  |  Features  |  Letter from America
Date posted:  1 Oct 2016
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Exciting times

College Church, Wheaton, Illinois

It’s common place.

Rarely a day goes by without someone commentating on the declining religious interest of the upcoming millennial generation. Much is debated: Are the statistics reliable? Do they reveal a decline in vital faith, or do they expose a dying religious nominalism being replaced by vital evangelical Christianity? Most perti-nently, what (if anything) do we need to do about it? Well, at God Centered Life Ministries, we are excited to call a new generation to centre their lives upon God.

Focusing on the young

It is critically important that at this moment we focus national and international energies around raising a generation living for God, particularly in the young adult age range. You would have to be have been hiding under rock somewhere not to have heard the prophets of doom. Such prophecies have always struck me as ironic, because many of the leaders in the first church I pastored were in this same age range.

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