Sovereign Grace worship

Date posted:  1 Sep 2016
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Sovereign Grace worship

Bob Kauflin

With the True Worshippers Conference in Bristol in September, en fired some questions at Bob Kauflin

en: Tell us what the Sovereign Grace group of churches stand for and something of your own background in music.
Sovereign Grace is a family of churches based primarily in the United States, but with congregations in the UK, Australia, Mexico, Canada and South Korea. We’ve existed for about 35 years, which is how long I’ve been involved. We’re connected primarily through relationships, a statement of faith, and seven shared values. Among other things, those values include Reformed theology, gospel-centered doctrine and preaching, a continuationist pneumatology, complemen-tarian leadership in the home and church, and a commitment to church planting.

While we are a family of churches, we thank God for every church or denomination that boldly seeks to proclaim God’s Word, preach the gospel and live out the implications of both.

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