‘Many things begin with seeing, in this world of ours.’
Lilias Trotter, little known artist-turned-missionary of the 19th century, has her long-forgotten story told in director Laura Waters Hinson’s latest film. Through interviews with Trotter experts from North America and the UK and character narrative supplied by Michelle Dockery (Downton Abbey) and John Rhys-Davies (Lord of the Rings), Many Beautiful Things unfolds the events and relationships of Trotter’s life, which took her from painting protégé to North African missionary.
Florida pastor’s wife
Had it not been for Miriam Rockness, a Florida pastor’s wife, this story may never have been told. It was a fortuitous encounter with a book bearing Trotter’s name which began a 30-year research project for Rockness, one which saw her travel across seas in her quest to know more of Trotter and her art.