Indiana Sinkinson?

Chris Sinkinson  |  Features  |  defending our faith
Date posted:  1 Aug 2016
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Indiana Sinkinson?

‘X never marks the spot’?

I have just returned from another season in Galilee joining the excavation of biblical Bethsaida.

This is a fascinating archaeological site, casting much light on the world of the Bible. In fact, Bethsaida is a rare location for a number of reasons, many of which help to explain the apparent challenges of history to the biblical record.

Lost town

Bethsaida was a lost town of the Gospels. As one of three towns associated with the Galilee ministry of Jesus, it is often referred to alongside Capernaum and Khorazim as the ‘evangelical triangle’. Remains of these two latter towns have been known since Roman times and, though abandoned, would continue to be identifiable in the modern age. So what about Bethsaida?

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