The EU threat to democracy and liberty

Philip Vander Elst  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Jun 2016
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The EU threat to democracy and liberty

photo: iStock

'The basic question is whether Britain should remain an independent country or become a province in a United States of Europe.

'No criticism is levelled at those who genuinely advocate the latter course; at least it is an honest recognition of the total implication of belonging to the Common Market. But every form of criticism should be made of those who avoid the issue, who wilfully conceal it with honeyed words, or who simply don’t bother to study the reality.'

These accurate and prophetic words were written as long ago as 1974, by Neil Marten MP, one of the first and greatest Tory opponents of British involvement in the European project, in his pamphlet, The Common Market: No Middle Way, published in London by the Common Market Safeguards Campaign. In the ensuing four decades, the British political and media establishment has, with rare exceptions, continued to 'avoid the issue' and 'wilfully conceal it with honeyed words.'

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