Righteousness exalts a nation

Josh Moody  |  Features  |  Letter from America
Date posted:  1 May 2016
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Righteousness exalts a nation

‘Pilgrims going to church’ by George Henry Boughton | photo: Wikipedia

Are you familiar with the story related to American self-awareness historically?

It’s about the Pilgrims, the Founding Fathers, manifest destiny, etc. If so you will know that there has long been a sense of ‘exceptionalism’ in America regarding its disproportionate blessings, as well as responsibilities to the rest of the world. The Puritans thought of it as a ‘city on a hill’, taking of course cue from Jesus’ language to that regard, Matthew 5.14.


It is then, for many Bible-believing Christians, perplexing to observe (at least at this point in the election cycle) the rise of Trump-ism, and more to the point the kind of discourse that that reflects in each of the parties and in each of the candidates to a greater or lesser extent. There is less gentility, more fire-y-ness, less meekness, more might. The rancour is rebuked by various sides, and then (perhaps?) emulated in the responsive mechanism to the other candidates in other ways.

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