Becoming like God’s Son

Jonathan Lamb  |  Features  |  Knowing God Better
Date posted:  1 May 2016
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Becoming like God’s Son

photo: iStock

I remember the evening vividly.

A frail old man, walking stick in hand and supported by a friend, slowly climbed the steps to the Keswick platform and onwards to the lectern. During his life, he had spoken on every continent of the world, to multiple thousands in baseball stadia, to hundreds in church buildings of every denomination, to congregations gathered under trees and at many student missions.


As he stood to give the final address of his long career as a preacher and teacher, this is what John Stott said at Keswick in 2009: ‘I want to share with you where my mind has come to rest as I approach the end of my pilgrimage on earth and it is – God wants his people to become like Christ. Christlikeness is the will of God for the people of God.’

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