It spans 140 years and crosses cultures and continents.
It’s a remarkable story. It has revolutionised hundreds of thousands of lives. It has had a radical impact on churches and communities. It has launched new mission movements and pushed forward the frontiers of the gospel. And it continues to expand, not through formal organisation or slick marketing but, we believe, as a movement of the Spirit.
Sharing Paul’s longing
The Keswick movement has at its heart a commitment to the spiritual renewal of God’s people for his mission in the world. Launched on the vicarage lawn of a small church in a small town 140 years ago, the Keswick movement arose from the longing to know God better. It has at its heart the same longing which Paul expressed in his profound prayer for the Ephesian believers: ‘I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better’ (Ephesians 1.17).