Subject: Matt. Lollar is married with two children and lives in Sheffield where he is a Sales Manager for a computer services company.
Age range: 20–30 years.
Interests: Coaches American football; power lifting; photography.
RJL: What is your family background?
Matt.: My father is a Southern Baptist pastor who is mostly involved in church planting. I grew up in small churches in Florida.
RJL: How did you become a Christian?
Matt.: Although I was baptised I now realise that I wasn’t then a Christian; I loved other things more than I loved God. I was a rebel when I was in High School. My parents insisted that while I was living at home I had to go to church. There was a sermon series on Hebrews and each week the speaker ended with the same verse, which really grated. I was dating a girl who wasn’t a Christian at this time and my parents invited us to go to a showing of the film Passion of Christ. During the film ‘scales fell from my eyes’ and I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour.