Creation apologetics

Chris Sinkinson  |  Features  |  defending our faith
Date posted:  1 Jul 2015
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Creation apologetics

Chris Sinkinson – previously? | photo: iStock

As a regular columnist I tend to address fairly specific topics.

For that reason, I have avoided addressing the general subject of creation and Genesis. That is not because it is unimportant. It is an area that generates many of the most frequently asked questions. But in a few hundred words it is difficult to think of anything very useful to say!

James Sire, in his very helpful book, Why Good Arguments Often Fail (IVP), gives the caution that ‘in their witness to the Christian faith most Christians should never raise the issue of evolution. They should talk about it only if they cannot avoid doing so.’ Discussing evolution can end up distracting us from presenting the gospel and lead into many areas where even among Christians there is little agreement. However, regardless of who started it, evolution and creation are rarely far away in any debate. When the conversation turns to creation, I would suggest two simple points to remember.

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