Worship God UK

Dave Gobbett  |  Features
Date posted:  1 May 2015
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Worship God UK

Dave Gobbett | photo: FIEC

We interview Dave Gobbett about why he is backing the Sovereign Grace conference in Bath this month

en: How did you get to know and what do you like about the Sovereign Grace work?
I’ve known and loved the work of Sovereign Grace Ministries (SGM) since 2000, when I spent a year in the US. I was on staff at Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington DC with Mark Dever, and in the previous year Mark had become friends with C.J. Mahaney, a local charismatic church pastor 40 minutes from DC as well as the then head of SGM. In Dever’s typically contagious style, that friendship spilled over into our respective church staff teams, and I especially enjoyed getting to know Bob Kauflin (director of Sovereign Grace Music) and Jeff Purswell (head of Sovereign Grace’s Pastor’s College, and former teaching assistant to Wayne Grudem).

While lots has changed within the structure and leadership of Sovereign Grace in recent years, what I continue to love about their work is their unrelenting commitment to proclaiming the glories of God’s grace with both head and heart and to helping others do the same.

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