Ministry to the military

Andrew Hill  |  Features
Date posted:  1 May 2015
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Ministry to the military

photo: iStock

SASRA has an open door to military bases. We interview Andrew Hill, who has recently been appointed to head the work.

en: What is your own background in the Armed Forces?
I joined the Royal Air Force as a Fighter Controller in 1984, and served for 22 years, principally producing what is called the ‘Recognised Air Picture’. For those who have seen films like Battle of Britain I was something like the officer with the telephones who sits at a raised desk looking down over the map of Britain surrounded by airwomen with long poles pushing plaques about. By my day it was all done using computers!

en: How did you become a Christian?
At secondary school as a prefect I reported several of my peers for smoking in contravention of school rules. Somewhat to my surprise this made me a universal hate object, and prompted questions in my mind like: ‘who has the right to make and enforce rules?’ and ‘who decides what is right or wrong?’.

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