Sex, love and singles

Jacqui Wright  |  Features  |  The Single Track
Date posted:  1 Mar 2015
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Sex, love and singles

photo: iStock

How do we rightly think about sex and love from a biblical perspective?

We need to start by understanding God’s covenantal love for us in Christ; that is his promise of unconditional love, acceptance and forgiveness in Christ. From this unimaginable gift of grace we worship, love, trust and obey him first and foremost. He is the ultimate bridegroom and the one who satisfies all our deepest needs.

Ultimate unveiling

God has created sex and love as good gifts for us to enjoy in their rightful place in our lives. This is part of the pattern of covenantal love which is unselfish and promises commitment to the other in spite of feelings. Sex within a covenantal legally binding marriage relationship is the ultimate unveiling of oneself and selfless sacrificial giving which reflects the commitment to the other in all aspects of life. Sex in marriage is within a zone of safety and due to its committed nature, grows ever deeper. In contrast, our secular society operates on a consumerist model of sex and love. This is about marketing oneself and living selfishly for one’s own pleasure and lusts. It is about taking, using, and exploiting the other person for as long as that person meets the need. The person can be discarded if someone better comes along.

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