An interview with Peter and Valerie Lewis who retired in February having served the Cornerstone Church, Nottingham for 45 years.
en: Briefly tell us about your conversions and how you first met?
Peter: I was a devout Welsh chapel boy with a high view of God but an inadequate view of the gospel. I became a Sunday School teacher at 12 but mine was a typical Welsh Baptist church, having had a liberal ministry for much of the century, and chary of anything resembling ‘born again’ enthusiasm as suspiciously ‘Pentecostal’.
An evangelist based in Bristol came to show a moving film about a young missionary who gave his life for Christ. The theme was the statement of Christ: ‘I must work the works of him that sent me while it is day. Night comes when no one can work.’ He gave a call but while two or three who had travelled for the meeting responded I was too embarrassed to stand. Nevertheless while praying I distinctly felt God say to me: ‘Peter, I have brought you to this family and this village so that you might be here in this place tonight. You must commit yourself to me and to the work of the ministry for the whole of your life.’