
Mark Johnston  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Feb 2015
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The Johnston family

Mark Johnston reflects on the perplexing ways in which God’s providence sometimes takes us

Our family has just come through the most perplexing year of our life.

It’s been a year that has taken us to our limits in all kinds of ways – not least in terms of trying to make sense of God’s dealings with us. And now that it’s over we’re grateful to God that we’re still standing. Even as it was just beginning (and indeed in all that led up to it) close friends were saying ‘You couldn’t have scripted this if you’d tried!’. Several people have suggested at different points along the way that we write about our experiences, but for various reasons we declined. The only reason that we do so now is partly because that dark chapter in our lives is over, but, more importantly, because sharing a little of what we’ve faced may help other Christians out there who are also trying to fathom the mysteries of God’s providence in their lives.

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