Serving the community

Pod Bhogal  |  Features  |  The Third Degree
Date posted:  1 Jul 2014
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Serving the community

A group ‘selfie’ with the award!

Falmouth CU Awarded Gold Accreditation by Students’ Union

Falmouth University Students’ Union (SU) has formally recognised the CU for its ‘impressive’ efforts to ‘serve the wider student community’ by awarding the group a Gold Accreditation.

Falmouth CU was praised for its many outreach events, including serving tea and toast, open mic nights, Text-a-Toastie and free meals. Special praise was reserved for the CU’s main meeting programme, which involved inviting guest speakers to talk about how their Christian faith related to their work environment. A spokesperson for the SU said, ‘The Falmouth Christian Union [FCU] organise an impressive range of regular events [and] takes the opportunity to serve the wider student community.

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