Creation, fall, redemption

David Jackman  |  Features  |  Notes to Growing Christians
Date posted:  1 Jun 2014
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Creation, fall, redemption

Liberating Christianity from cultural captivity | image: iStock

Cultivating a consistent biblical world view is a priority for every Christian.

In recent columns I have tried to relate this to the Great Commission to proclaim the good news to all the world. Far from being a tangential occupation for those with an academic bent, developing a biblical mind-set is vital for every believer. It is the only way that we shall be able to stand against the onslaught of secular materialism and so, like the church in Pergamum, to remain true to Christ’s name (Revelation 2.13). But it is also essential if we are to communicate effectively with the alien world views which govern our culture. A biblical world view is not a retreat from evangelism, but a necessary tool for its accomplishment.

Professional training

Apparently, when people are being trained professionally to work in other cultures, learning the language is considered secondary to understanding their world view. What is different for us, as Christians, is that our distinctive world view, formed by the infallible Word of God, provides us with the critique by which we can understand what alternative mind-sets are trying to achieve. It exposes the areas where the false world views – Marxism, Darwinism, liberalism, or whatever – seek to satisfy the same basic longings of the human psyche, but from erroneous premises and often with disastrous results.

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