Pod Bhogal talks to Richard Cunningham about reaching students and resourcing churches
Pod Bhogal, UCCF’s Head of Communications, talks to Richard Cunningham, UCCF’s Director, about the Uncover Gospel Project, the impact it has had in the student world and its potential for helping ordinary Christians — in a local church context — to introduce their friends to Jesus.
PB: Uncover is arguably the most successful evangelism initiative UCCF has ever developed. Could you share some highlights? RC: More students have been coming to faith in the past year than at any time I can remember. 2013 has seen over 100 UCCF Christian Union missions in our leading universities — at which an estimated 80,000 Uncover Luke Gospels have been used by students. Many thousands of whom will be in Uncover Seeker Bible Studies (SBS). I’m sure you’d agree, we’ve never seen fruit like it in our time at UCCF.