The toast of Bangor

Pod Bhogal  |  Features  |  The Third Degree
Date posted:  1 Sep 2013
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The toast of Bangor

The Bangor S.U. newspaper

Bangor Christian Union has been commended by their Students’ Union newspaper.

This was for their weekly evangelistic Tea and Toast events. Harriet Well, a student at Bangor University, wrote an article in which she commended the Christian Union for serving her and her fellow students with ‘glorious buttery goodness’. She wrote: ‘Ever stumbled upon the toast men/women as you struggle up that infamous Bangor Hill on a night out? We’ve all seen them, we’ve all had that glorious buttery goodness given to us and exclaimed, “Free toast!” and suddenly become best friends with the mysterious students’.

Going beyond toast

A representative from the Christian Union was quoted in the article saying: ‘We are a group of students just like you. While we love serving you through filling you up, we want to go beyond the toast and share with you what we believe’.

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