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Richard Simpkin  |  Features  |  Music
Date posted:  1 Nov 2012
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In response to the need to train Christian musicians to serve Bible-teaching churches, we set up a Music Apprenticeship Scheme a few years ago.

If you know of anyone with a servant-hearted love of Jesus and the Bible, and who is also a musician, here is ‘A day in the life of a church music apprentice’ to give you a flavour of what an apprenticeship might involve. The author is Andy Cowan, who now helps run the music at Christ Church Kensington in London.

‘I recently learned from my boss that I got my place on the Music Apprenticeship Scheme on the strength of being able to tune a guitar successfully. What he didn’t know, of course, was that was about as far as my guitar skills extended. Thankfully, however, over the course of the apprenticeship my chord repertoire expanded and not only do I now know nearly five chords, but I’ve also learned how to alphabetise songs that start with “Oh” and “O”; how to produce banshee-like feedback with minimal effort; and that if you drop a bass guitar on your toe it hurts. A lot.

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