Matthew Henry - his life and influence

Date posted:  1 Aug 2012
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2012 is the 350th anniversary of the birth of the Bible commentator, Matthew Henry, but what happened later to his church?

Having served his congregation in Chester for 25 years, Matthew Henry was called to a church in London. Allan Harman takes up the story.

Before he returned to Chester he indicated that he was accepting their invitation to be their pastor, and, God willing, he would make the move to Hackney in the spring of 1712. This decision did not end his mental distress. This is how he described the situation: ‘By this determination I brought on myself more grief, and care, and concern, than I could have imagined, and have many a time wished it undone again; but having opened my mouth, I could not go back. I did it with the utmost impartiality (if I know any thing of myself) [to] beg of God to incline my heart that way which should be most for his glory; and I trust that I have a good conscience, willing to be found in the way of my duty. Wherein I have done amiss, the Lord forgive me for Jesus’s sake, and make this change concerning the congregation to work for good to it’.

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