The Third Degree

Robin Peak  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Jul 2012
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24 UCCF short-term mission teams, comprising around 150 students, Staff and Relay Workers, will be involved in summer mission teams this year.

16 of the 24 teams of up to 15 students will be going abroad to Europe, Asia and Africa, representing an increase from the ten teams that were sent last year.

Led by UCCF staff, summer teams partner with mission agencies who operate in the destination country (usually IFES). A typical team may hold an openly evangelistic English Bible camp, where non-Christian students can learn the English language, have fun, and discover Jesus. Mike Chalmers, a Christian Union Staff Worker in North Wales, has led a team to Lithuania for the last five years and says: ‘It meets a cultural and spiritual need. Practising English with British students is a luxury, especially in Eastern European countries. Meeting Jesus in the pages of Scripture is a rarity in countries that have no idea he even exists’.

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