A day at the museum

Chris Sinkinson  |  Features  |  defending our faith
Date posted:  1 Jul 2012
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For our UK readers or those passing through the capital, London offers a priceless resource for studying the background to the Bible.

The British Museum first opened in 1759 and since that time has been acquiring a wide range of artefacts from the ancient world. Many originate from the lands connected with the Bible — Egypt, Canaan, Greece, Assyria and Babylon — often as a result of Britain’s formidable influence during the Victorian era. This collection includes many exhibits that are of great value in the study of apologetics.

There are now a number of useful books to guide anyone making a passing visit. Brian Edwards’s and Clive Anderson’s Through the British Museum with the Bible (Day One) is particularly useful, and the British Museum publish their own guide to the Bible by T.C. Mitchell.

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