Music from elsewhere

Richard Simpkin  |  Features  |  Music
Date posted:  1 Jun 2012
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A privilege of being involved in a central London church is mixing with such a diversity of people from countless backgrounds and races.

I’ve witnessed the baptisms of people into Christ from Islamic, Jewish and Hindu cultures, and I know that this isn’t happening just in London, but throughout the UK.

Although these baptisms have been some of the most moving moments in my life, I never really thought until recently about how the presentation of music in a church meeting appears to people of different cultures. Or rather, I had thought about it, but I’d always been in denial! I’d always been concerned about godliness, servant-heartedness and a degree of musical skill regardless of the colour of a person’s skin. But what I hadn’t thought about was how people of other cultures perceived me (or us). Neither had I thought that they’d be particularly bothered about the fact that everyone who helped with music was white and middle class. I just thought they’d sit there and accept that they were outsiders needing to adapt to my way of doing things. I’m very fortunate to have friends who have gently challenged me regarding my small-mindedness!

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