Why go to Bible college?

Robert Strivens  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Apr 2012
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Sam believes that he is called to full-time gospel ministry. His church leaders agree.

He has led a home group for some time and has done a little preaching. He is a godly man and gives evidence of having the necessary gifts. He and the elders of the church think it is time for him to begin serious training. How should he go about it?

A variety of options are open to Sam. He could join a local part-time training scheme and combine that with practical work in his own and neighbouring churches, under his own church leaders. Or he could follow a guided reading scheme with his pastor, maybe calling on other local men with particular expertise in different subjects. Or he could do a distance learning course. The alternative is that he considers going to Bible college, either full-time or part-time.

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