The weekend away...

Dave Fenton  |  Features  |  Youth Leaders
Date posted:  1 Apr 2012
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It seems many of us do this these days.

After a hard week at work we get in the car and drive off to the sea or the country. Judging by the traffic on the M3 near my home on a Sunday evening, quite a few people are doing it even in the depths of winter. Youth groups, along with summer camps and house parties, are doing weekends away with their groups in the winter.

My experience is that many of these prove to be valuable.

Take your team away

But something I found very helpful was to take your team away for a weekend, however small your team is. If you can choose a weekend when someone might be able to cover your group, that’s great, but I still think that cancelling a group meeting is outweighed by the importance of the leadership team spending time together. I always found it worked better if you travelled some distance to discourage people popping in for one session.

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