Uncover: Bible reading with non-Christian friends

Pod Bhogal  |  Features  |  The Third Degree
Date posted:  1 Nov 2011
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Imagine the impact of 1,000s of students, Relay workers and UCCF staff reading the Bible with a non-Christian friend while at university.

Imagine if every student in Britain were given the opportunity to meet with Jesus in the Scriptures.

That’s the vision behind Uncover — UCCF’s latest gospel campaign. Our vision is to see every Christian student involved with CUs inviting their friends to a Seeker Bible Study. Written by Rebecca Manley Pippert (author of best-selling book Out of the Salt Shaker, and internationally renowned evangelist), Uncover is a series of six Bible studies in Luke’s Gospel. Specially designed to be delivered in a relational peer-to-peer evangelism context, it is a resource that can be used in a one-to-one or small group setting. In the pub or over a coffee.

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