Time flies...

Dave Fenton  |  Features  |  Youth Leaders
Date posted:  1 Oct 2011
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I wonder how many times you’ve been caught out with too little time to prepare a talk.

You know you should spend time reading and studying the Bible, but there’s just too much to do in too little time. The group is meeting the next day and you haven’t even started on your talk. It seems to be a problem that affects both full-time youth workers and volunteers. I am the last person to pontificate about time management, but I have come to know that decent preparation affects the quality of what is said to the group. Of course, the Holy Spirit is the one who changes lives, but God does use his servants to ‘preach the word’.

Planning a term ahead

We sometimes get into a cycle — we never get ahead of ourselves and there always seems to be a talk pressing in on us. Clearly planning at least a term in advance means you stand a chance, because you have some idea of what lies ahead, but there are other things you can do.

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