I've had enough!

Dave Fenton  |  Features  |  Youth Leaders
Date posted:  1 Aug 2011
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This is the time of year when many people think about how the year has gone and what they will do next year.

It is also a time when some people, quite rightly, review their time commitments and decide to give up. And when we say to our church leaders that we feel we’ve had enough, they probably try to persuade us to keep going because they cannot see a replacement for you in the church. But why do people give up the job of youth ministry?

Busy busy!

People’s lives are busier in the current climate — in our church we are finding more and more people who are reluctant to commit time to service. They simply don’t have it to give. Such people need to be given, at least, a year off with no guilt being put on them. Other people give up because assumptions are made that they will turn up every week, face the joys and trials of teaching a youth group, and no effort is made to encourage or support what they are doing. It is not uncommon to find that youth ministry is effectively an isolated box in the life of the church.

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