Challenges of a growing church, part 3

Ray Evans  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Aug 2011
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We have seen that growth can bring problems. But help is at hand!

Acts 6 and problem solving

Here is a classic combination — growth and grumbling (v.1)! An issue of complexity has led to a potentially disastrous situation. It’s what the apostles do about it that’s so helpful. First, they set priorities for themselves and the church (vv.2,4). You’ll notice that word and deed both have to be carried out by the church. They invent a solution and initiate a plan. This is not ‘steamrollered’ through but they gain the ownership of the whole church (v.3). A team is identified, and then publicly empowered for the task (vv.5,6). The result is... more growth — both in quantity and ‘quality’ (v.7).

Notice also what they did not do: no sermons about contentment, or calls for special prayer for members to be less difficult! Some difficulties need an ‘Acts 6 approach’, where elders ‘manage’ change by identifying problems, develop plans to deal with issues, gain ownership by the church and empower people and teams to take on major responsibilities.

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