Bring me my books!

Jonathan Carswell & Adrian Reynolds  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Apr 2011
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‘Bring me my books!’ was the Apostle Paul’s demand.

But why? Had he forgotten what he had read? Doubtful. Nor did he need them to supplement the Scriptures as though somehow his library was incomplete without his precious parchments. Paul had a firm conviction in the authority and sufficiency of the Scriptures. And yet he wanted his books.

Why Christians should read?

Books seem old fashioned to some. We can download, stream, watch and interact online. Aren’t the days of books long gone? We don’t think so. That is because we are essentially a people of the Book. God communicates with us in the written Word made living and active by his powerful Spirit. Al Mohler says: ‘The electronic media have their places… nevertheless, the electronic screen is not the venue for lengthy, thoughtful, serious reading… and the Christian should be a serious reader’.

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