In the present straitened economic circumstances the government has become interested in factors other than money which make for well-being. Alongside this, parents have always pondered the question, ‘How can I help my teenage son / daughter to be more cheerful?’
The results of a recent survey for the Department of Education have thrown up some interesting possible answers. As part of the Tellus4 Survey, over 32,000 school children between the ages of ten and 15 years were asked to rate how they felt about the statement, ‘I feel happy about life at the moment’. Through analysis of their responses and how these relate to the way they as individuals answered other questions, indications emerged as to how various aspects of their life affect their happiness.
Main findings
The top ten things associated with increased chances of feeling happy were as follows in order.
The re-emergence of heavy shepherds
What would you think if you received a letter from your church leaders that read like this? ‘Are church …