Village churches, like those in both cities and towns, are as diverse as their geographical situations.
Some villages are dormitories of cities and large towns and have a population who are very used to commuting for most of their needs, whereas some are very isolated with villagers who are more dependent on the facilities that are provided within the village itself. Whatever the type of village the churches tend to fall into three basic categories.
Types of churches
First, the ‘thriving church’ whose congregation comes from miles around, with many of them passing like-minded or similar churches to get there. (Whatever happened to the concept of the local church? On the other hand, however, one wonders, short of a real blessing of God upon the village, how such a church could actually thrive without such people.) Such a church is likely to have a mix of established Christians, some of whom may have been in the church for a number of years, new Christians and non-Christians. It is a church that is likely to have a reasonable turnover of people over the years.