The musician's dreaded email

Richard Simpkin  |  Features  |  Music
Date posted:  1 Nov 2010
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I am a musical ignoramus. For those who are intimately acquainted with the hymns of the ‘Golden Bells’ era, please don’t read this article — it will cause you to say, ‘that’s what I’ve wanted these young upstarts to realise all along’. I’m now over 40, but I still feel like a young upstart, even if I don’t look it.

For those who are more used to a Dudley-Smith/Kendrick/Townend/Getty repertoire, I’m happy to go back in time with you to re-discover some classics that have disappeared from our modern-day song lists.

The Golden Hymnal

I’m going through a bit of a Fanny Crosby renaissance at the moment. It all happened because of an office move. I had to get rid of all the stuff I didn’t need, so I found myself leafing through some of the old hymn books that had been gathering dust. One was The Golden Hymnal. I opened it randomly and came across a corker. It’s called, ‘Oh, wonderful Word’. Here’s the last verse:

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