Music one-up-manship

Richard Simpkin  |  Features  |  Music
Date posted:  1 May 2010
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‘At our church, we’ve got a wonderful pianist who’s got a diploma you know. We’ve also got an opera singer, la de da.’

‘Church musician one-up-man-ship’ is one of those games many of us would love to be able to play. ‘Poor St. Albert’s — they have to get by with someone who’s only got grade 6. How terribly mediocre.’ The game is all a bit of a waste of time though, as one of the things you learn doing a job like mine is that there is a difference of skills between trained classical musicians and church musicians. I’m a living example of someone who mistakenly thought that having grade 8 on the piano would set me up as a really good church musician (though maybe that’s partly because I only got a merit).

Plinky plonky

My misconception was painfully confirmed when I was asked to play the electronic keyboard for my Christian Union when a student. It was disastrous, and doubly embarrassing as I was the organ scholar for my college. My playing was as wooden and plinky-plonky as you could ever imagine. Like every bad workman, I blamed my tools. The keyboard, to be fair to myself, was plinky-plonky, but what took the bigger blame was the sheet music.

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