Singing the Lord's song in strange lands

Joel Van Dyke  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Apr 2010
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The Psalmist writes, ‘How shall we sing the LORD’s song in a strange land?’ (Psalm 137.4).

This is a beautiful question springing from the heart of a poet struggling to live out in a strange land (Babylon) what he knows to be true in a more familiar context (Jerusalem). This question has stimulated missional communities of grassroots leaders in Latin America under the banner of the Center for Transforming Mission (CTM).

We are learning how to read the Bible, not to or even for those we serve, but with those we serve — those who have been wrongly labelled the least, last and lost. Behind this approach is the belief that grace is like water; it flows down hill and pools in the lowest places. We are learning to see God’s grace pooling in places of extreme poverty and violence.

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